Create a Zoom App

Below are the steps for creating a Zoom app.

Create a Zoom OAuth App

  1. Create a Zoom account, if you haven't done so already here:

  2. Login to your Zoom account.

  3. Go to the Zoom App Marketplace and click Develop in the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the page.

  4. Select Build App. A new page will appear displaying the available app types.

  5. Click Create in the OAuth option to continue.

  1. Give your Zoom App a Name

  2. For App Type, choose User-managed app

  3. Set the Would you like to publish this app on Zoom App Marketplace? toggle to Yes

  4. Click on Create

A new window displaying your new OAuth app will appear.

App Credentials

When you create your app, Zoom automatically generates the Client ID and Client Secret for your app. If you had the Would you like to publish this App on Zoom Marketplace? toggle set to Yes, Zoom generates 2 sets of Client ID and Client Secret. One set is for development and the other set is for production. Use the development credentials to build and test your integration. When you're ready to go live, use the production credentials.

  1. Add a Redirect URL for OAuth. The URL should be where you want your users to go after they authenticate against your application. You'll need to do this for both development and production.

  1. Add the following URLs:

  2. Add your own redirect URL to the allow list.

  3. Click Continue

App Information

  1. Add your App Name

  2. Add a Short Description for your app

  3. Add a Long Description for your app

  4. Add your Company Name

  5. Add Developer Contact information

Click Continue once you're done adding all of your app information.


If you would like to get webhook notifications from Zoom, turn on the Event Subscriptions toggle and then add a URL for your webhook. This is optional.


Add the following scopes, based on your app type.

For User Level apps:

  • meeting:read

  • meeting:write

  • user:read

For Account Level apps:

  • meeting:master

  • meeting:read:admin

  • meeting:write:admin

  • user:read

Add Your Zoom App's OAuth Client ID and Client Secret to Pyas

  1. Login to your Pyas account

  2. Select the Pyas App you will be updating

  3. Go to the Pyas App's settings tab

  4. Click on Authentication

  5. Under Pyas Authentication, toggle the Enable Pyas Auth for Zoom Accounts switch off. Then, click the Save Pyas Auth Settings button.

  6. Scroll down to the Native Zoom Authentication section

  7. Copy your Zoom App's Client ID and paste it in the Zoom Oauth Client ID field.

  8. Copy your Zoom App's Client Secret and paste it in the Zoom Oauth Client Secret field.

  9. Add your Zoom App's redirect URL to the Zoom Callback URL field.

  10. Click on Save Zoom Settings

That's it! You should now be able to use your Zoom App with Pyas to add Zoom conferencing to calendar events.

Note: If your app is a User Level app, you have to publish it to the Zoom App Marketplace. See the full tutorial here on creating a Zoom app and publishing it:

Last updated